Sunday, January 29, 2012

Thanks, Mom

Day 115
How old were you when you realized your mom (and dad) knew what they were talking about?  Twenty?  Thirty?  When you became a parent yourself? 

When you started taking their advice and surprisingly things worked out?

Cincinnati-based Proctor and Gamble hosts a Facebook page titled “Thanks, Mom by P & G” that allows online visitors to post their mom’s favorite advice.  Their “collection of Momisms” range from the serious to the seriously funny. 

Always travel with a corkscrew. 

Too sick to go to school, then you’re too sick to watch TV.

The only thing you can change is your reaction.

You should always be on your best behavior no matter where you go…you never know whom I may know!

And the one I may borrow and add to my own repertoire: You have to the count of nothing.

My mom always told me not to fight with my neighbors over kids.  Tempers flare and parents lose all objectivity.  I haven’t always taken her advice in this area although I wish I had.  One friend and I disagreed over her child’s behavior.  She thought I was self-righteous.  I thought she was irresponsible.  Our disagreement took months to resolve. 

I learned my lesson.  If I disagree with someone else’s parenting choices (as I’m sure people do about some of mine), I keep my mouth shut. 

I added my mom’s advice to the long list of Momisms hopeful someone else might learn from my mistake of not listening to my mom in the first place.    

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